Federal Programs » Parent's Guide to Student Achievement- NC Parent's Bill of Rights and Federal Programs

Parent's Guide to Student Achievement- NC Parent's Bill of Rights and Federal Programs

The parent guide to student achievement was developed to as a way to address North Carolina General Statute § 115C-76.25, which outlines parents’ rights. In addition, this comprehensive document of valuable information provides parents and families with one resource, which promotes transparency and accessibility for families. 
Mount Airy City Schools as a public school unit (PSU), is served through state and federal programming. Federal programs help provide adequate funding to best serve students, educators and families. Federal Programs in our district include Title I, Title II, Title III, Title IV and Rural Low-Income Schools. 
Mount Airy City Schools uses federal funds to promote academic achievement for all learners and provide supplemental funds to our Title I served elementary schools, BH Tharrington Primary and Jones Intermediate School. Through Title I funding our schools also prioritize parent and family engagement. These events will be shared with parents and families through district messaging in Canvas and School Messenger. They are also listed on the school calendars of each school's website. 
Title II funding provides access to resources for professional development, which supports educators' professional growth and allows them better to serve learners with a diverse array of needs. 
Title III funds support growth in English Language Development for students who are learning English as a second language. 
Title IV funding ensures that our district is supporting the social-emotional learning needs of our students, as well as providing them with support for digital teaching and learning, which ensures students are successful as digital citizens. 
Federal funding supports and aligns with our district goals to strengthen the home/family and school partnerships in order to nurture and develop students who are college and career-ready upon graduation. 
For questions, please reach out to:
Dr. Penny Ballin
Executive Director of Innovation
Mount Airy City Schools 
Parent and Family Involvement Guide for Educators 
Serving families is a key priority of federal programs. Mount Airy City Schools values the partnerships built between our schools and the families we are proud to serve each day. The resources below are designed to support both sides of the partnership, which will essentially grow our students and community. 
Mount Airy City Schools values our parents and families. We believe in building strong and collaborative school to home/family partnerships for the overall success of our students. These beliefs can be observed in our MACS Board of Education policies. Click below to view these specific policies: 
Parent and Family Resources: 
  • Mount Airy City Schools has opened its Spanish hotline for families. This voicemail will be in Spanish and families can leave a message in Spanish. Someone will find out the answer to your question and call you back in Spanish. Please share with others who would benefit from this service. See the image below for details. 
    Mount Airy City Schools ha abierto su línea directa en español para familias. Este mensaje de voz estará en español y las familias pueden dejar un mensaje en español. Alguien encontrará la respuesta a su pregunta y le devolverá la llamada en español. Comparta con otras personas que se beneficiarían de este servicio. 
Educator Resources: