Students & Families » Online Safety

Online Safety

Parenting has its challenges without the addition of social media and access to the world through the internet. Parenting with these added layers, that constantly change, can be difficult. Our goal is to partner with you in this journey and and work together to educate our students of appropriate online behavior.
At the beginning of each year, our teachers work with students through digital citizenship lessons, technology responsible use, and expectations. As your child grows and navigates online, you may need resources to guide safe behavior and practices. Please monitor your child online and have intentional discussions regarding information that can be found online and what to do in various situations. 
Continue the conversation at home with these resources. Resources

The Department of Justice has recreated a free resource for families called the NC Department of Justice Family Tech Agreement.  As you know, keeping our kids safe wherever they are is job one for us all – and more and more, kids are spending their time online.  Recent reports indicate that on average, 8- to 12-year-olds use screens for more than five and a half hours a day, and 13- to 18-year-olds use screens for more than eight and a half hours a day.  According to a recent advisory by the U.S. Surgeon General, up to 95% of youth ages 13–17 report using a social media platform, with more than a third saying they use social media “almost constantly” and nearly 40% of children ages 8–12 use social media.

In creating the Family Tech Agreement, the NC Department of Justice hopes to provide parents and caregivers – many of whom grew up before the age of smart phones and social media – with a resource to start critical conversations about online safety and responsible screen time.